- Reservations - hotel, rental car,
tours, diving
- Vacation Rentals - more than a hotel
- Vacation itineraries - for family, diving
and romantic vacations
- Destination Weddings - get hitched on the beach
- Weather - warm and sunny
- All Inclusive Hotels - all inclusive
hotels in Mexico
- Mexican food - beyond TexMex
- Staying healthy - don't drink the
water, really
- Telephones and how not to get ripped
- Money - pesos are easy
- The Maya - a brief history
- Cities pages - details about the cities
from Cancun to Punta Allen
- Getting around - buses, rental cars,
airlines, driving hints
- Activities - diving, golf, tours, snorkeling,
Cancun and the Yucatan The guide with everything for people who want
to rent a car and go out on their own. |